Welcome to Hardianism Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu atau BJJ adalah salah satu seni beladiri ground fight/grappling yang tujuannya adalah mengontrol lawan, dan membuat lawan menyerah dengan menggunakan kuncian (joint locks) maupun cekikan (chokes).
Olahraga beladiri ini terkenal karena jasa Mitsuyo Maeda, pria asal Jepang dan keluarga Gracie yang berasal dari Brasil. Saat itu Maeda merupakan murid dari Jigoro Kano yang merupakan pendiri bela diri Judo. Sebelum menciptakan Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Mitsuyo telah melalang buana ke berbagai negara dengan mengikuti pertarungan gulat tingkat dunia.
Teknik Jiu-Jitsu ini dulunya dipakai oleh para ksatria samurai di Jepang. Kata “Jiu” atau “Ju” dapat diartikan sebagai kelenturan atau fleksibel. Sedangkan kata “Jitsu” atau “Jutsu” berarti teknik, cara atau metode. Berarti Jiu-Jitsu adalah suatu bela diri yang bersifat fleksibel.
The Mastermind

GFTeam International
Kami berafiliasi dengan GFTeam International Dibawah pengawasan Professor Julio Cesar Pereira.
Sejak tahun 90an, GFTeam telah menikmati kesuksesan di Brazil dan telah menjadi Salah satu tim Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teratas di seluruh dunia. Filosofi kami sederhana: Latihan dengan keras, bertarung dengan keras. Ketika anda melawan atlit dari GFTeam, anda tahu anda memiliki pertarungan di tangan anda.
Hari ini, GFTeam dipersembahkan oleh lebih dari 250 dojo di seluruh dunia dan adalah organisasi liga utama Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Keluarga GFTeam berkembang dan bertumbuh sangat cepat di seluruh dunia. Suatu organisasi yang dihormati dan kompetitif di pentas dunia.

Master Julio Cesar Pereira

Master Julio Cesar Pereira is a highly regarded grappling instructor and a 7th-degree coral belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu. well known for his work with GF Team ( Grappling Fight Team ) formerly known as Gama Filho Jiu Jitsu academy – a team he co-founded. Among Julio Cesar’s students were important athletes such as Rodolfo Vieira , Vitor Henrique Oliveira , Ricardo Evangelista , Igor Silva , and many others.
Julio Cesar Jiu Jitsu
Full Name: Julio Cesar Pereira
Nickname: n / a
Lineage: Mitsuyo Maeda> Luis França > Oswaldo Fadda > Monir Salomão > Julio Cesar Pereira
Main Achievements:
- 2x World Champion (Black Belt, Senior and Master Divisions)
- 21x State Champion.
Favorite Position / Technique: Guard Passing
Weight Division: Lightweight
Team / Association: Grappling Fight Team
Julio Cesar Pereira Biography
Julio Cesar Pereira, also known as “Mestre Julio” (translated to Master Julio) was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on the 22nd of December 1964. Julio Cesar started training Jiu-Jitsu under Monir Salomão’s tutelage in 1974 and continued training under the Oswaldo Fadda black belt until he received his black belt himself. Master Julio Cesar also reached the rank of black belt in Judo and trained extensively in Luta Livre (a form of Brazilian Submission Wrestling).
The Gama Filho academy was founded by Pedro Gama Filho and Paulo Jardim who coached at the famous University campus for a short while before handing the job in the capable hands of Master Júlio César, Marcus Bello and Alexandre Baraúna, this trio took the project from there on and turned the Gama Filho academy into one of the strongest in the state of Rio de Janeiro while Pedro Gama Filho and Jardim stayed behind the team giving financial support. After the passing of Pedro Gama Filho, the team’s position was weakened and when in 2007 some of Julio Cesar’s competitors transitioned to Mixed Martial Arts the University requested for the name change and to break the longtime bond between the team and the Uni. This was Grappling Fight Team was created under the same roster as before.
The break with Gama Filho coincided with the flourishing of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as a sport. Always supportive of his students, Cesar opened a fighter-house at the GFT headquarters, a place that was named “Cachanga”. From this place, Julio could cater for the needs of poorer athletes trying to make grappling their full-time occupation. Providing shelter, high-level training and often food, his students were catapulted into worldwide recognition, raising the profile of the team in the meantime.
In 2018 Master Julio Cesar moved to Orange County, California, further expanding the team’s global reach.
(banner picture taken by: William Burkhardt of BJJ Pix)
(Article Source: BJJ Heroes)